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A New Musical
When you have a good story and you know how to tell it, an exciting and engaging show is born that is hard to forget once you leave the theater.
The story of how a musical was born.
Let the numbers tell about us!
Discover WITB
10 years
From the first draft of the script
What is What's In The Box?

A journey, a coming-of-age story, an excursion through the life, traumas and passions of a young bride, Kate, who during her wedding learns of her father's death.

Thousands of hours
Were spent studying, composing and orchestrating this work.
20 artists
Collaborated on the audio recording
Our team

All team members work together at WITB to define every detail of the show

  • Claudia Gamberini

    Book and Revision

    The musical is, by definition, a composite art form, meaning that it involves the use of different artistic disciplines. Approaching the creation of a musical therefore means not only composing an opera but creating a world from nothing. A sonic universe, of course, but also a real "physical" space made of places, people, rules, ideas, costumes, scents, and flavors. We who have participated in this creative process, have put into this universe what we carry within ourselves as people: our beliefs, our ideals, our polemics, and our hopes, and this makes us have, Most likely, different relationships with various characters and with the dynamics inherent in this world.

  • Davide Candini

    Author Book Music and Lyrics

    What’s in the box? is a musical that presents an original story, not derived from musicals inspired by books, films or existing works.

  • Claudio Castellari

    Arrangements and Direction

    My main concern is to give a precise connotation to complex and highly characterized characters and a musical continuity to a work that includes many different genres. WITB musically is a compendium of the entire London musical from its origins to today.


In a world of success and appearances, lives Kate, a successful young woman, but imprisoned by a painful past that tries to hide everyone, and especially herself.
On her wedding day, news arrives of her father’s death, which shakes the foundations of her apparent happiness.
Kate is suddenly immersed in an inner journey, forced to confront the demons buried in her past. Through symbolic encounters with different versions of herself - Kate, Kitty, Rift, and Miss Graceful - she takes care of her own shattered identity.
The focus of his struggle is the desperate search for lost serenity. At first, try to build a perfect future, trying to bury the past under layers of success and control. But reality refuses to be ignored by forcing her to face her true nature and to look inside with sincere eyes.
Along the way she faces the guilt that has devoured her since adolescence, learning that accepting her imperfect humanity is the first step toward healing.
Through inner battles and encounters with symbolic opponents such as the idealized perfection represented by Miss Graceful, Kate seeks her way to redemption. With the support of his allies, he sets out on the path of transformation, accepting that perfection does not exist and that life is made of nuances and imperfections to embrace.
So, at the end of her journey, Kate returns to her life, no longer a prisoner of her illusions, but aware that only by accepting herself can she find true happiness.

If you need any information about What's In The Box, a new musical, please contact us.

Phone: +39 348 388 1500

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